Thursday, April 25, 2013

We're all unhappy. Do we have to be fat too?

That's it. I'm going on a diet.

More accurately, I'm already a week or so into a diet. Nothing special. My main goal is just to keep a closer eye on what I eat. You see, I am one of those people who eats casually when there is nothing else to do. I blame this on a big stomach. I don't know if that has anything to do with it at all, but it just seems like I'm never full until I'm stuffed. I'm never really hungry either; I just get the urge to eat. And eat. And snack. And eat.

Well, no more. From now on -- or, at least, for as long as I can and before I lose interest -- I'm going to pay attention to what and how much I consume. I'll stick to the serving size on the package. I'll drink lots of water. And most importantly, I'm going to slow down when I eat. No more stuffing my face and then getting a bellyache.

And switch all of those verbs to the present tense, because, like I said, I've already been doing this for a week or so now. That was test number one; to see if I could last that long, before bothering to write about it.

I survived so far. But don't get me wrong, for the past week, I have been pretty consistently hungry. So much so that I'm beginning to find fast food commercials somewhat arousing. Food is popping into my fantasies. No more sex...just...a slab of bacon. Fuck that, this is MY fantasy, make it a mountain of bacon. With meatball boulders cascading down the slopes, over the prosciutto-thatched roof of my sausage-link cabin. Sauce is raining from the sky. Watch out for the orecchiette hail; they can get up to six inches in diameter. And what's this? It's a sauce flood! Gotta hop onto my macaroni raft and paddle to safety. Better yet, I'll hop onto a lasagna ark with two of every cold cut.

Okay okay! Snap out of it, sicko! Now I'm all hot and bothered. And starving.


Let me just collect my thoughts...

I try to skip breakfast. If I can't, I'll go for one egg and a piece of whole wheat toast. But if I have that, then I skip lunch. I make big delicious salads now, with cucumbers, apple slices, grapes, tomatoes, whatever I can find. As long as it's not chocolate chip cookies. And I try to go by the rule that a meal isn't a good meal unless I am still a little hungry [read: not engorged] afterwards.

My next mission is to start exercising. I'm too cheap for a gym membership, but I have a lunatic of a dog, with infinite energy, who would love to run with me. I already tried it, and unfortunately for him, my most consistent jog is barely a fast walk for him. But we'll start there. ...Okay, let's be honest. We'll START with a walk around the block. Then maybe a longer walk. Then maybe a bike ride or two. And eventually I'll get to running.

I don't like to set goals for myself. Mainly because I don't know how to create a realistic goal. And then when I don't reach it, I get discouraged. So my goal for now is...improvement. If we reach that goal, then I'll come up with a more specific one, along the lines of: MORE improvement. Worst case scenario, I get into no better shape, don't lose any weight, but feel slightly better about myself. Couldn't hurt, right? Then again, if I go through all this trouble and don't lose any weight, I'll probably just feel worse. So maybe there's an even worse case scenario. But let's not talk about that.

I'll try to check back in another week or two to talk about that goal I mentioned earlier.

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